Changing careers is possible!

Changing careers can definitely be daunting. I was listening to another great interview on Selina Barker’s ‘The Career Change Coach’ (check her out on audible!). She was talking to a paediatrician who loved the wellbeing & people side of her job, but had fallen out of love with the relentless hours and pressure, resenting the time she couldn’t spend with family & friends or go away due to her shifts.

I hear this time and time again. We all get to a certain time in our lives, particularly after what we have all experienced during the COVID pandemic – questioning what brings us joy and makes us happy.

Many feel they have not reached their potential. Granted, reality check: you still need to earn a living, right? Sometimes this is the job you know you can do; it’s easy and you are scared of change. Changing jobs should not be taken lightly, especially if others depend on your income.

However, you don’t need to climb the job-change mountain in 1 day.

How to change jobs without the stress:

1/ Research ideas based on what brings you joy and makes you happy. And no, this isn’t always a Goggle search

2/ Talk to others who are doing what you would like to do and learn how they got into it

3/ Make a plan to start the change gradually – volunteering or doing something related outside work, while still working, to assess whether this is for you

4/ Make sure you know you can afford the change – money worries will only add to the stress

5/ Network with people in your chosen field

6/ Experiment – I did a lot of people-based jobs roles before I found recruitment, or rather it found me!

7/ Celebrate the small steps. This psychologically gives your process momentum and increases how positive you feel about it

8/ Don’t exclude family and friends from the process ( unless they hate the idea – listen but if you are adamant don’t let it deter you ! Some people may never understand – and that’s OK)

Here’s to you and your next adventure!

If you are looking at changing your career, get in touch with us –