Summer is finally here and hopefully, the gorgeous weather will stay for a while longer…

What are you up to this Summer?

If you are looking for a new job you may be tempted to spend all your time looking while everyone else is out enjoying the Sun. Realistically your job hunt is going to take time. So, keep cool and don’t stress with our guide to job hunting over the Summer (or any time of year!).

Our top tips…


It might take a while finding the job of your dreams so balance your search with other things.

Applying for jobs all day every day is going to drive you crazy. Keep it to an hour a day and then relax.

Response takes longer this time of year as decision-makers are often on holiday themselves.

Allow a little longer for the process


Stay positive

 Stay positive and mentally strong. In the meantime, why don’t you use the time to develop yourself?

  • Learn a new skill/hobby that you have always wanted to do.
  • Get into a fitness regime (exercising is very good physically and mentally) It can clear your mind and help you become more proactive.
  • Take up reading. There may be that one book that you meant to read and have never got around to… I have just discovered audible and am now listening to books in my downtime!


Be strategic

 When you are looking for a job be strategic about what you are looking at. You don’t have to apply for everything! This is exhausting and dilutes your credibility – apply to the jobs that you really want.


Follow up

 Use this free time to follow up on jobs that you have applied for. It is important to follow up on job applications.

Sometimes your CV doesn’t demonstrate your soft skills and following up shows tenacity and your interest in the job you are applying for. You never know you might call just at the right time!


Enjoy the Summer

The final tip is to enjoy the summer… We don’t get this beautiful weather for very long, so make the most of it and get some fresh air. Head to the coast, spend time with loved ones! Ultimately, time out will help you re-calibrate and focus on what’s important! Often creativity comes from this and you never know could even lead you to a new career.


For help in looking for your next job or to see any of our current vacancies visit: