You could recycle and raise money for charity at the same time!

Today recycling and becoming more eco-aware is huge and steadily growing. The importance of it is fundamental for future generations to come.

At GoGecko we are always looking for ways to reduce waste. I am sure in your office you throw away and recycle every day, whether its general waste, cardboard, paper or even ink cartridges.

Did you know that more than 40 million ink cartridges get thrown away each year in the UK? On a positive note, there are companies that allow you to recycle certain ink cartridges and in return raise money for a chosen charity. We have just donated ours to a local school who send them back to empties please to raise money.

This is a win win for businesses. Not only are you helping the environment, but you can raise much needed money for charity in the process…

Check out the links below: