How to find a new job this month

How to find new job

Now that the holidays are over, and business is returning back to normal, NOW is the time to put in the hard work to find a new job

Before Christmas, a lot of companies got really busy, meaning they put recruitment on hold, or at least didn’t prioritise it. Now that everything has calmed down, orders have been fulfilled, and they reopen for business, it is the best time to focus on your job search.

What’s the most efficient way to do this?

1) Have the basics ready: make sure your CV has all the right information on it, and is enticing enough for the hiring manager to call you to learn more about you. We have a guide on our website and you can get in touch with us for our CV template.
2) Put together a pitch to sell your skills and experience, that you can customise to each person/business you send it to.
3) Don’t just focus on sending out job applications. Many jobs get filled without advertising.
4) Start networking, connecting with local business owners and professionals in your field on LinkedIn and pitching yourself to them. Even if they are not hiring, someone will know of someone who is. You never know where a conversation can land you.
5) Make a spreadsheet to keep track of everything you have applied to and the people you have contacted.
6) Set yourself reminders to follow-up your pitch if you have not heard anything back – sometimes it takes a bit of persistence!
7) Get in touch with the hiring managers of the jobs you have applied to and ask for regular updates, as well as a timeline to manage your expectations.
8) If you set yourself a few hours of this every day, you will eventually get a ‘YES’ from someone. Keep going and reward yourself for small victories.
If you need any further help, please feel free to get in touch with us!